
Monday, December 28, 2009

My language, my identity

Arabic is written from right to left in its own unique script, and may seem complicated. However, Arabic has a simple alphabet that once learned, is very accurate in conveying the correct punctuation of each word. project I arranged all the letters into one big letter, I wanted my final look to show like the fist of the hand holding all the letters inside and not letting go.

1 comment:

  1. اخي عليا
    مدونتك جميلة تنقلت فيها واعجبتني
    اتمنى لكـ التوفيق
    والمعذرة لكتابتي بالعربية لان لغتي لاتسعفني ان اجاري هذا الابداع
    تقبلي طلتي
    دمتي بخير
